Before entering the Sistine Chapel

Just before you enter the Sistine Chapel, you want to clearly communicate the rules without sounding too aggressive. Therefore you want to be assertive. In other words you command attention while still remaining customer focused. The following piece of text helps you to be clear and direct, without being aggressive:

Now we are going to enter the Chapel. But first I must give you a few clear words of warning.

First of all, inside the chapel you are asked to remain silent. You cannot speak. Neither can I. So please, you must be silent.

Secondly, please remember to maintain your dress code. Shoulders and knees should be covered and hats or caps should be removed.

Finally, no photos!! This is the only part of the museums that you cannot use a camera, a smartphone or any kind of photographic device. If you are found to be taking pictures (even without a flash) security will immediately demand your camera and they will delete everything. So please, put your camera in your bag and just enjoy the chapel.


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